John Williard is a Product Designer based in San Francisco.
John Williard is currently a Product Design Manager at Autodesk, working on Autodesk Takeoff and ProEst, in the Autodesk Construction Cloud. Prior to being acquired by Autodesk, John was a designer at BuildingConnected, streamlining communication between contractors and developers to elevate the construction industry. Previously, John has led the design of consumer-facing mobile apps and their customer-facing web dashboards trusted by global brands and featured on the App Store and Google Play.
With his startup experience, John has embraced taking on many roles. He believes that design processes can make all aspects of a company better, and that designers are stronger with an understanding and appreciation for other roles.
John is originally from Raleigh, North Carolina, where he studied Architecture at NC State University. When he’s not designing, John loves traveling the world, backpacking and reading science-fiction.